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Construction Committee 5 15 08
Bolton Public Library Construction Committee
Minutes for 5/15/08

·       From the committee: Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Joel Lindsay, Roland Ochsenbein, Chris Rogers, Mickie Simpson
·       From Daedalus Projects, Inc.: Bob White, John Christiansen
·       From the Library Board of Trustees: Chris Sterling, Bob Zak
·       From Lerner Ladds + Bartels: R. Drayton Fair, Aimee Lombardo
·       From L+ A Landscaping: Chris Macfarlane
Also present: Jodi Ross (Town Administrator), Panny Gerken (Woodside Dr.), Burt Shnitzler (Advisory Committee), David Lindsay (Advisory),  Jonathan Keep (Main St.), members and OPM of the Public Safety Center Construction Committee (PSCCC).

Absent: John Rodenhiser, Bill Strapko

A quorum being assembled, Roland called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Pam moved to pay invoice #2896-080412 from Daedalus Projects, Inc. in the amount of $5,000 (second: Joel; unanimous in favor).

Roland welcomed the OPM and members of the PSCCC.  Jodi gave a quick overview of issues surrounding the need for a public water supply for our projects.  PSCCC has a cash flow issue; specifically, their budget contains no line item for this, the library’s does, and many on the Public Safety committee felt “slammed” by the unanticipated cost.  Jodi asked the LCC for a concession on water and stated that everything else will be paid 50/50. After some discussion, including comments from Panny Gerken about the need for both committees and their OPMs to work together and help each other, Pam moved that the library pay the first $20,000 toward the public water supply, PSCCC pay the next $20,000, and any amount remaining be split 50/50.  Mickie seconded.  Joel then stated that he is willing to consider more than a straight 50/50 split and amended the motion as follows: LCC pays the first $25K, PSCCC pays the next $20K, and any remainder is split 50/50.  Roland seconded the amendment, and the LCC voted unanimously in favor.  Pam then withdrew the original motion.

Mark Giunta then took the floor to respectfully request that the PSCCC control its site through its OPM.  David Lindsay cautioned that this is another discussion for another day.  The PSCCC took its own vote and accepted the LCC’s offer.  

Next item on the agenda: parking and site plan.  All members of the committee who were present had walked the painted outline of the parking plan before the meeting. Roland distributed hard copies of a chart showing parking at comparable libraries (Lancaster, Harvard, Carlisle, Boxboro).  Drayton and Aimee showed a parking scheme, with details on landscaping, bringing the total parking spaces to 38.  Most of these spaces are on the west side and the 5 spaces near Main St. have been restored.  Drayton noted that this scheme maintains a 20’ setback to the west property line.  He commented that if the parking spaces nearest the stone wall were to be compressed (from 8.5’ to 8’ each), an additional space could be created.  Further discussion:
·       Asked for his advice about parking on Main St., Police Chief Alfano said that it’s legal but very dangerous.  He further advised that additional spaces might be created by bringing the curb in, which would create 5-6 parallel spaces.  Drayton then commented that the town has a 30’ setback for parking, and he is concerned about liability for cars parked on Main St.  
·       Jonathan Keep stated that in spite of his and Ann Hurd’s efforts to reduce the number of parking spaces, “every week there is more and more parking,” and it “feels punitive” to the abutters.  He stated that the committee must “think you have a mandate to pave the west side.” Pam replied that the committee has spent a lot of time considering parking including on the east side, and have exhausted the possibilities.  Panny added that parking on the west side is not punitive but was done to accommodate library patrons and the new main entrance.  Joel agreed, stating that Jonathan’s comments are inappropriate considering the densely landscaped buffer and the committee’s attention to abutter concerns. Joel also mentioned the potential use of evergreens closer to Main St. to provide additional screening year ‘round.
Pam moved to accept the current plan and continue to work on selecting the best trees for screening (second: Joel; unanimous in favor).

Drayton then showed photos of buildings with shingled exteriors, and brought a sample red cedar shingle for the committee to view.  The committee discussed the merits of red cedar (tends to get darker; best left untreated; somewhat more expensive; better warranty) vs. white cedar (tends to get softer and greyer; best when stained or painted; harvested in Canada so relatively more locally sourced).  The Architects have used both types.  Chris Rogers has used white cedar extensively.  Joel asked about Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification, and Drayton replied that, according to his industry contact, red cedar will be certified in a few weeks.  Chris moved to accept red cedar siding (second: Pam; unanimous in favor).

Drayton showed the latest floor plan, which he and Aimee had run by Kelly shortly before the meeting.  Pam moved to accept the floor plan as shown (second: ???; unanimous in favor).  Roland requested a full set of estimates at the next meeting.

Roland announced the receipt of Lucas Stefura’s proposal for interior design.  At $35,000 it falls within our budget.  Drayton showed slides of the company’s work and noted that Lucas Stefura will be working under Lerner Ladds + Bartels’s direction.  After some discussion of scope of work, Pam moved to accept Lucas Stefura’s estimate (second: Joel; unanimous in favor).  

Mickie asked about the timing of specifying nontoxic materials.  She is specifically concerned about formaldehyde offgassing, which she stated often happens from cabinetry and also from paints. ~She is also concerned about toxic materials in carpets and the carpet glue. ~Drayton said there would be more opportunity to discuss this as the time for bid packages gets closer.~ Mickie said she would email some information about healthy paints that she had used at home to Drayton and the committee, since some of the larger paint company products that claim to be “healthy” often still have toxic problems.~ Aimee said they were always glad to learn about new product sources.

Roland introduced the topic of Garcia Galuska DeSousa’s PV proposal, distributed earlier via email.  Joel commented that GGD used a generic program and that the town is ineligible for federal tax incentives, so the proposal wasn’t accurate.  Joel stated that we also need to confirm shading and other issues, and to be sure we’re using the town’s grant money effectively.  Chris asked if green items are part of the budget, and Roland responded that most were either not included or eliminated.  The Committee decided to table GGD’s proposal for now.  Joel reminded the group that the Town Energy Committee will host a solar workshop on Monday, 5/19.

A quorum of the Board of Library Trustees being present, Roland moved entering into an agreement to rent an office suite at 563 Main St. at $2200/month starting June 1, 2008 (second: Chris; unanimous in favor).  Roland stated his concern about the unforeseen costs of moving, rental, and storage, and where the delta is coming from.

Roland reminded the group of the Board of Appeals hearing on 5/27/08.  He suggested meeting on 5/22/08 to organize the presentation.  It was decided that Roland and Drayton should be presenters, with Richard there for additional support.  Panny advised the committee to contact the ZBA chair for advice on structuring the presentation.  Joel knows Chair Gerard Ahearn and will follow up.

LCC’s next meeting will be on 5/29/08.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Collins
Director of the Library